
Sunday, March 21, 2021

March 21, 2021

ANONYMITY | What hackers knows chapter two | Tech drop


Anonymity is that the state when nobody knows who you're on the web .
This State is employed by Hackers Worldwide to perform their activities in order that 
nobody can trace them.

Internet Protocol (IP)

Internet protocol is an unique numeric number of each individual internet user which may be wont to track your name, geographical location and your online activities.

An IP seems like this


This is your address and to the present address the info is being sent by your internet provider as data packets and this is often how your internet works.

Hackers hide their identification on the web to perform hacking activities in order that nobody can trace them.

How Hackers Hide their IP?

There are so many of ways to hide an IP, lets discuss about them.

VPN (Virtual Private Network)

VPN may be a network that's constructed by using public wires, usually the web.
To connect to a personal network, like a company’s internal network. There are variety of systems that permits you to make networks using the web because the medium for transporting data.


How VPN Works?

VPN Works as a medium between you and therefore the internet, the info is first received by the VPN server than it'll come to your computer.

Proxy Servers

A proxy or proxy servers is essentially another computer which is a hub through which internet requests are processed. By connecting through one among these servers, your computer sends your requests to the proxy servers which then processes your request and returns what you were wanting.

This way you IP isn't shown to the tracker.

TOR BROWSER (The Onion Reuter)

Tor browser is that the best software for anonymous browsing till date.
Even FBI can’t trace it easily. This works on layer IP basis. A circuit of various internet protocols is made (minimum 8 ) which acts as layers. (just like layers of an onion)
The data is first received by first IP than transferred to second than third then on. Then finally you get the info on your browser. this is often often the primary tool every hacker should have and surprisingly this is a free software. Very less people realize this browser. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

December 30, 2020

What is programming | Introduction | How to begin?

What is Programming

In admiration to the present statement “Everybody during this country should find out how to program a computer because it teaches you ways to think.” is extremely well said by the foremost influential entrepreneur on this planet Steve Jobs.

Programming actually teaches you ways to think. Consider this way so on hunt down a wise solution to a complicated problem, we'd wish to first dive deep into the core root of the matter. Only then we'll be able to fully analyze it then we'll fix it using the only possible solution.

For a much better understanding go searching yourself, the possibilities of finding a smartphone are much above a simple to undertake to list note. Why? because of smartphones and technology have made our lives much easier than ever before. have you ever ever ever wondered how these smartphones work? How are we able to chat with a private sitting on a special geographical location of this planet? and therefore the way can we access our bank accounts using banking apps? or perform many daily tasks just during a fraction of seconds?

Well, all this is often done by programming. Yes, programming is just a way to inform your system to perform the specified task for you.

According to Definition: - “Programming is that the implementation of logic to facilitate specified computing operations and functionality. It occurs in one or more languages, which differ by application, domain and programming model.”

If you're still not getting this, here may be a quick example for you. John was hired to perform data manipulation (Manually) in large excel sheet and was paid to try to to this 8 hours each day – 5 days every week. John and his fellow colleagues were ready to perform this work with 90% accuracy. that they had to figure on many sheets every single day.

John was conversant in a number of the programming languages and that’s why he made a script of code to urge his task done automatically by the system itself. Later he was ready to achieve 70% of more work with 99.7% of accuracy. So this clearly shows the effect of coding and smart thinking as suggested by Steve Jobs above.

Uses of Programming


    • Allows building new applications which later makes our life much easier.
    • Important in speeding up the input and output process during a machine.
    • Programming also helps us to innovate and make eco-friendly solutions for global problems.
    • With the assistance of programming, we will invent and solve big problems with technology.
    • Helps to reinforce the facility of computers and therefore the internet.

Who is a Programmer?

The machines you see around yourself like tv, washing machines, your smartwatch or even your car is programmed by someone. That person is known as a programmer aka Software developer or programmer.

A programmer could also be a 1 that's capable of getting things done by a computer system, by simply using some languages which is understandable by the system only.

In simple words programmers talks with a computer through a medium called programming languages. Now there are actually many programming languages out there which actually are often used for various purposes. Languages like c, c++, java, python etc.


How to Begin?

If you think that that you've got got what it takes to be a programmer, follow the guide mentioned below:

Build your interest in programming: If you'd wish to start out smoothly so as that it's often beneficial in end of the day then you would like to start out as soon as possible, or the only time is from highschool days. programming requires skills that come from an honest array of knowledge . So investing therein knowledge demands time.

Get a Bachelor’s Degree: Yes, it’s true that some programmers got employment with none college degree, but this doesn’t applicable to everyone. Even the richest programmer within the planet (Bill Gates) had no degree before. Programmers usually have a degree in B.E (Bachelors of engineering) in computing, B.C.A (Bachelors in Computer Application), mathematics or Information Technology. So inform possess that in your belt.

Find your niche: Programming could also be a really vast field and you'd wish to be familiar with what kind of development you would like to perform like choosing between iOS or android. Considering these you'll set your path in learning particularly required languages. as an example, if you'd wish to form apps for android then you would like to possess c, c++ and java under your belt or if iOS then plan to get hands-on swift and c#.

Master a minimum of two or 3 Programming Languages: As discussed above there are many programming languages, and it will be difficult to seek out out all of them directly. So plan to master a minimum of two or 3 so on urge employment. It’s also a undeniable fact that you're going to work on quite that but at the initial level, you would like to focus only for few of them.

Obtain some Certification: plan to learn from online also as from offline courses as they supply great certifications. These certifications are often later added to your Resume which provides an edge to you. Various product vendors, software firms, and professional computing societies offer training and courses. So plan to catch on finished better exposure.

Online sources: Yes, if you are a touch lazy to travel out and learn, then there's an option for you. the online is crammed with online courses which give all the required information and tools which you'll try your own. Websites like udemy, code academy, and w3schools offer many free courses.

Stay Updated: I.T and programming could also be a really demanding field. each day lots and far of inventions are done. Many tools can hit the market which can be used while coding. So plan to keep yourself updated the utmost amount as possible. you'll update yourself by following variety of the only tech websites on the online so on urge the insight of this industry.

Future Scope?

Well, there's little question that Information & technology (I.T) goes to be vaster field within the longer term . according to some reports, the demand for software developers has increased to almost 67% and expected to understand more in near future.

It is also observed that programming languages such as Java, Python, and Swift are evergreen as many products require them. At last, you would like to follow your interest because it pays you the foremost out of it. Stay tuned for more such content.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

May 06, 2020

What hacker knows ? Chapter one.

the art of stealing

"Phishing is that the attempt to accumulate sensitive information like usernames, passwords, and MasterCard details (and sometimes, indirectly, money), often for malicious reasons, by masquerading as trustworthy entity in a transmission."

So how does a hacker steal such kind of information from you?


Okay let’s start.

First a hacker creates a fake login page, which seems like an ingenious page and somehow, convince you to enter your usernames and passwords thereto.

By sending fake offers, promises or the other eye-catching things.

This can be done by SMS, MMS, On Social Networking Sites.

This is how a fake E-mail Looks Like 

A Hacker can send you an email with any email id (We will discuss about it later)

And once you click this update button above, you'll be redirected to the fake Facebook page which is made to steal your information.

This page is meant in such a fashion that after stealing your information you'll be redirected to the first Facebook page. Smart, right


Now check out the rounded area The Address Bar. Its an additional “e” which is a perfect way of trapping users. Making an identical looking address.


This is how a basic phishing hack works. It works for all websites and even for bank accounts, when the user isn't conscious of this type of hack.


So, always search for an address bar for your safety.


Phishing is against the law , and by this method many criminal minded peoples are stealing information from common peoples who doesn't have a correct knowledge of cyber tricks and hacking.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

February 20, 2020

Why you should learns python? Where can we use python?

Why you ought to learn python?
Because python is fun to use scripting language. Python may be a multi-paradigm programing language 
which is supports object-oriented, imperative, functional programming and procedural types meaning highly recommended for the tutorial purpose.

So, majority of educational institute use python as mother tongue which they teach to their students. It’s very easy to find out and it runs any platform. Python is extremely powerful, scalable and straightforward to take care of programing language which enables high productivity and it's many inbuilt libraries which are developer can use.

Python is additionally used as a glue language which acts as a interactive front and for the language like C, C++.
When we develop in python it reduces the event time.
  • It reduces the code length,
  • It is easy to know codes,
  • It is easy to try to to team projects in python.
  • It is rally easy to increase to other languages if we’re using python.

So, where can we use python?

Because python may be a general-purpose programing language it's used many web-development frameworks. For e.g. Django and Flask.

Python is additionally widely utilized in 
scientific computing, data processing and machine learning and continued growth demand for machine learning developers could also be the driving the recognition of python.

Python used as a scripting language meaning if we’re doing prototyping its really efficient to use python. Python is additionally utilized in the event GUTs, embedded applications, gaming and DevOps tools.

Monday, February 17, 2020

February 17, 2020

A small History about python.

Goudo Van Rossum
So, python was conceived in let 1980’s and its implementation begin in 1989 by a developer “Guido Van Rossum” in Netherlands as a successor of a programing language called ABC.

Now, Guido Van Rossum worked at Google from 2005 to Dec. 2012. Where he spend half his time within the development of python programing language . Now a days Rossum working during a company called Dropbox.

And from where the Python name comes from, Rossum choose the name python since he was an enormous fan of “Monty Python's Flying Circus"

So, python was first publicly released in Feb 1991. which is the official website of python was released in the time period between 1996 and 1997. In the year 2001 python software foundation was created and Van Rossum remained the principle author of python.

So, python was first publicly released in Feb 1991. which is that the official website of python was released within the period of time between 1996 and 1997. within the year 2001 python software foundation was created and Van Rossum remained the principle author of python.

His continuing central role in python development is reflect within the title given to him by python community which is Benevolent director of life.

So, what's a Benevolent director of life?
This is the title given to small number of open source software development leaders. Typically, project founders who retained the ultimate say within the 
dispute or arguments within the community.

February 17, 2020

What is Python? (Full Explanation)

What is python?
Python may be a high level dynamically typed programing language 
. Python support multiple programming paradigm including object oriented imperative, functional & procedures. Python may be a interpreted language, so what can we mean by interpreted?

To understand this, we'd like to know the difference between the copied language and interpretive language. So, some language like c, C++, JAVA are all translated by running ASCII text file 
through a tool called compiler.

This compiler shows ASCII text file end in a really efficient byte code which will 
be executed any number of times. Now, interpretive languages like Python in contrast must be passed interpreted and executed whenever the program is run there by greatly adding the code of running the program.

So, a compiled language takes the whole program as one 
input and converts it into machine during a file called computer file.

On the opposite hand, interpreted language like python takes the only 
instruction as single input and execute that instruction. Now, compiled language run faster because compilation is one before the execution. On the opposite hand, interpretive programs run slower because compilation and execution takes place simultaneously.

In case of python albeit it’s a interpreted language but its really fast. Python supports dynamic data types and to know 
this we'd like to know between statically typed programing language and dynamically typed programing language .
So, a statically typed programming languages do the sort checking at the compiled time as against the important time and dynamically typed programming languages do type checking at run time as against compiled time.

So, let’s say you declare a variable “x=9” in python, python will do its type checking at run time whether it’s a integer or a string or a double value all are going to be done at run time.

Python is independent from platform meaning it’s a cross platform programing language meaning you'll run your python code on windows, Linux, Mac or any Unix OS 

Python focuses foster development time. So python code features a very natural style thereto , which makes it easy to real and understand because of lack of semicolon [;]and braces. So we don’t use semicolons (;) and braces {[()]} on python meaning faster development time specially when we’re doing prototyping work. Python may be a highly readable language and features a clean visual layout. So if a developer writes very efficient python program its appear as if reading English.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

November 16, 2019

How To Secure Yourself From Evil Twin Attack ?

How To Secure Yourself From Evil Twin Attack?

Hello, during this article you're 
getting to find out how to secure yourself from getting hacked using evil twin attack.

1) don't hook up with any public networks, anyone can sniff your data while you're on a public network.Evil Twin attack are going to be performed as a public network, so wherever possible restrict connecting to any open or public networks mainly if it wifi name is same as your wifi name

2) When your internet connection suddenly stops working, you would possibly be under DOS attack using evil twin attack, just restart the router and therefore the hacker got to restart the attack and because it takes a while . Maybe they leave it or continue another time

3) Running a VPN to make sure that any browsing and transmitted data is completed through an encrypted tunnel that can't be easily snooped.

4) don't always believe the name of the network, confirm it's a legitimate and trusted network or not.

Thank You for Reading, Hope It's Useful