
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

What is programming | Introduction | How to begin?

What is Programming

In admiration to the present statement “Everybody during this country should find out how to program a computer because it teaches you ways to think.” is extremely well said by the foremost influential entrepreneur on this planet Steve Jobs.

Programming actually teaches you ways to think. Consider this way so on hunt down a wise solution to a complicated problem, we'd wish to first dive deep into the core root of the matter. Only then we'll be able to fully analyze it then we'll fix it using the only possible solution.

For a much better understanding go searching yourself, the possibilities of finding a smartphone are much above a simple to undertake to list note. Why? because of smartphones and technology have made our lives much easier than ever before. have you ever ever ever wondered how these smartphones work? How are we able to chat with a private sitting on a special geographical location of this planet? and therefore the way can we access our bank accounts using banking apps? or perform many daily tasks just during a fraction of seconds?

Well, all this is often done by programming. Yes, programming is just a way to inform your system to perform the specified task for you.

According to Definition: - “Programming is that the implementation of logic to facilitate specified computing operations and functionality. It occurs in one or more languages, which differ by application, domain and programming model.”

If you're still not getting this, here may be a quick example for you. John was hired to perform data manipulation (Manually) in large excel sheet and was paid to try to to this 8 hours each day – 5 days every week. John and his fellow colleagues were ready to perform this work with 90% accuracy. that they had to figure on many sheets every single day.

John was conversant in a number of the programming languages and that’s why he made a script of code to urge his task done automatically by the system itself. Later he was ready to achieve 70% of more work with 99.7% of accuracy. So this clearly shows the effect of coding and smart thinking as suggested by Steve Jobs above.

Uses of Programming


    • Allows building new applications which later makes our life much easier.
    • Important in speeding up the input and output process during a machine.
    • Programming also helps us to innovate and make eco-friendly solutions for global problems.
    • With the assistance of programming, we will invent and solve big problems with technology.
    • Helps to reinforce the facility of computers and therefore the internet.

Who is a Programmer?

The machines you see around yourself like tv, washing machines, your smartwatch or even your car is programmed by someone. That person is known as a programmer aka Software developer or programmer.

A programmer could also be a 1 that's capable of getting things done by a computer system, by simply using some languages which is understandable by the system only.

In simple words programmers talks with a computer through a medium called programming languages. Now there are actually many programming languages out there which actually are often used for various purposes. Languages like c, c++, java, python etc.


How to Begin?

If you think that that you've got got what it takes to be a programmer, follow the guide mentioned below:

Build your interest in programming: If you'd wish to start out smoothly so as that it's often beneficial in end of the day then you would like to start out as soon as possible, or the only time is from highschool days. programming requires skills that come from an honest array of knowledge . So investing therein knowledge demands time.

Get a Bachelor’s Degree: Yes, it’s true that some programmers got employment with none college degree, but this doesn’t applicable to everyone. Even the richest programmer within the planet (Bill Gates) had no degree before. Programmers usually have a degree in B.E (Bachelors of engineering) in computing, B.C.A (Bachelors in Computer Application), mathematics or Information Technology. So inform possess that in your belt.

Find your niche: Programming could also be a really vast field and you'd wish to be familiar with what kind of development you would like to perform like choosing between iOS or android. Considering these you'll set your path in learning particularly required languages. as an example, if you'd wish to form apps for android then you would like to possess c, c++ and java under your belt or if iOS then plan to get hands-on swift and c#.

Master a minimum of two or 3 Programming Languages: As discussed above there are many programming languages, and it will be difficult to seek out out all of them directly. So plan to master a minimum of two or 3 so on urge employment. It’s also a undeniable fact that you're going to work on quite that but at the initial level, you would like to focus only for few of them.

Obtain some Certification: plan to learn from online also as from offline courses as they supply great certifications. These certifications are often later added to your Resume which provides an edge to you. Various product vendors, software firms, and professional computing societies offer training and courses. So plan to catch on finished better exposure.

Online sources: Yes, if you are a touch lazy to travel out and learn, then there's an option for you. the online is crammed with online courses which give all the required information and tools which you'll try your own. Websites like udemy, code academy, and w3schools offer many free courses.

Stay Updated: I.T and programming could also be a really demanding field. each day lots and far of inventions are done. Many tools can hit the market which can be used while coding. So plan to keep yourself updated the utmost amount as possible. you'll update yourself by following variety of the only tech websites on the online so on urge the insight of this industry.

Future Scope?

Well, there's little question that Information & technology (I.T) goes to be vaster field within the longer term . according to some reports, the demand for software developers has increased to almost 67% and expected to understand more in near future.

It is also observed that programming languages such as Java, Python, and Swift are evergreen as many products require them. At last, you would like to follow your interest because it pays you the foremost out of it. Stay tuned for more such content.

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