What is python?
Python may be a high level
dynamically typed programing language . Python support multiple programming paradigm including
object oriented imperative, functional & procedures. Python may be a interpreted
language, so what can we mean by interpreted?
To understand this, we'd like to know the difference
between the copied language and interpretive language. So, some language like
c, C++, JAVA are all translated by running ASCII text file through a tool called compiler.
What is python?
To understand this,
This compiler shows ASCII text file end
in a
really efficient byte code which will be executed any number of times. Now, interpretive languages
like Python in contrast must be passed interpreted and executed whenever the program is run there by greatly adding the code of
running the program.
So, a compiled
language takes the whole program as one input and converts it into machine during a file called computer file.
On the opposite hand, interpreted
language like python takes the only instruction as single input and execute that instruction.
Now, compiled language run faster because compilation is one before the
execution. On the opposite hand, interpretive programs run slower because compilation
and execution takes place simultaneously.
In case of python albeit it’s a interpreted language but its really fast. Python
supports dynamic data types and to know this we'd like to know between statically
typed programing language and dynamically typed programing language .
So, a
statically typed programming languages do the sort checking at the compiled time as against the important time and
dynamically typed programming languages do type checking at run time as against compiled time.
So, let’s say you
declare a variable “x=9” in python, python will do its type checking at run
time whether it’s a integer or a string or a double value all are going to be done at run time.
Python is
independent from platform meaning it’s a cross platform programing language meaning you'll run your python
code on windows, Linux, Mac or any Unix OS .
Python focuses
foster development time. So python code features a very natural style thereto , which makes it easy to real and understand because of lack of semicolon [;]and braces. So we don’t use semicolons
(;) and braces {[()]} on python meaning faster development time specially when we’re doing
prototyping work. Python may be a highly readable language and features a clean visual layout. So if a developer writes very efficient
python program its appear as if reading English.
This compiler shows
So, a compiled language takes
In case of python
So, let’s say you declare a variable “x=9” in python, python will do its type checking at run time whether it’s a integer or a string or a double value all
Python is independent from platform
Python focuses foster development time. So python code
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